The Traitors Gate

UAF Hunting Club

More about the Muslim genocide of millions of black Africans using castration.

Arab historian, Ibn Khaldum wrote, “The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, because of an inferior degree of humanity, their place being closer to the level of animals.”

To make sure these “animals” did not reproduce when they were enslaved in Arab Muslim lands, they used castration on the men, a brutal mutilation that caused the death of millions over 13 centuries. The Quran encourages the enslavement of non-Muslims and it has been estimated that Muslims have enslaved some 17 million black Africans, a practice that continues today.

In Sudan, Muslims in the North still hold tens of thousands of Black African slaves, many of them Christians from the South.

March 9, 2011 Posted by | Arabs, Cruelty, Islamists, Koran, Militant Islam, Northern Sudan, Quran, Racism, Racist, Rape, Refugees, Religion of Peace, Religiously intolerant, SHARIA LAW, TAQIYYA | , | Leave a comment