The Traitors Gate

UAF Hunting Club

Baroness Warsi: I would die for my beliefs, says Muslim peer – Surprise as UAF/SWP havent blamed the EDL for this one.

Baroness Warsi has had threats since becoming Britain's first Muslim Cabinet minister

Baroness Warsi, Britain’s first Muslim Cabinet minister, has said she is prepared to “have a short but productive life” rather than resign from front-line politics in the face of serious threats from Islamic extremists.

The Conservative Party co-chairman said that being “brave” rather than having a “play-it-safe life” was a worthwhile price for being a pioneer at the highest levels of government.

It is believed that the peer has faced serious threats from Muslim extremists.

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Baroness Warsi said her situation “worried” her family.

However, she said: “Why go into politics if you are not going to be brave?

“If you want to stand on the sidelines and not stand up for what you believe in, politics is the wrong game to be in.

“It worries my parents and it worries my husband and it worries my kids and they obviously don’t like it when I hold this approach.

“If that means you have a short but productive life, that is worth doing, than having a long but play-it-safe life. I believe that there are things that are far more important.

“If people when they were fighting against apartheid or fighting for the black civil rights movement … thought I could be dead tonight if I do this – I don’t think people think like that when people feel passionately enough about something and feel this is an issue of huge principle.”

Two years ago on a visit to Luton, Baroness Warsi was attacked by Muslim extremists who do not support a Muslim woman having such an important role in British political life.

“If Luton was anything to go by when I was egged, my natural reaction was to turn round and start on them rather than walk away,” she said. “My natural reaction is always – how dare you?”

March 6, 2011 Posted by | Conservative Party, Democracy, EXTREMISM, Extremists, islam, Islamists, Jihad, Militant Islam, Muslim, Muslims, Muslims Terrorists, Religion of Peace, Religiously intolerant, TAQIYYA, Terrorists, UAF, UAF/SWP, uk, UK Government | | Leave a comment

This is what the EDL protests are about:

March 6, 2011 Posted by | Child Abuse, Extremists, Hate, Immigration, Inbreeding, Incest, islam, Islamists, Jihad, Militant Islam, Muslim, Muslims, Muslims Terrorists, paedophile, Pakistan, Quran, Racism, Racist, Rape, Religion of Peace, SHARIA LAW, TAQIYYA, The English Defence League, UAF, UAF/SWP | , | Leave a comment

Another religiously motivated murder – Religion of Peace ?

Islamabad (AsiaNews) – Muhammad Imran, a man charged with blasphemy in April 2009 and later released for lack of evidence, was gunned down in the Danada, a village near Rawalpindi. He had been accused of making insulting remarks about Prophet Mohammed during a discussion in a village cafe. However, he and another defendant were eventually set free by a court order after prosecution failed to produce evidence.

Imran was in a shop when two attackers came in and shot him dead. A third accomplice stayed outside. According to the victim’s brother Muhammad Akramm, Imran was killed by the same man from a nearby village who had originally accused him of blasphemy.

The murder comes two days after Minority Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti was killed by militants for opposing the controversial blasphemy law. The Minority Affairs minister was laid to rest yesterday next to his father’s grave in the village of Khushpur in a ceremony attended by more than 15,000 people.

“We will continue Shahbaz Bhattit`s struggle for minority rights,” said Pervaiz Rafique, a leader of the All Pakistan Minority Assembly (APMA).

“Extremists can kill a person, not his thoughts. Shahbaz Bhatti wanted Pakistan to become Quaid-e-Azam`s Pakistan, we will carry on his mission,” he added. Quaid-e-Azam or Father of Nation refers to Ali Jinnah, founder of modern Pakistan.

Police have arrested 15 people in connection with Bhatti’s murder. Police also said that it would interrogate Mumtaz Qadri, the murderer of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer.

Every aspect of the case is under investigation. Eyewitness accounts and the testimony of Bhatti’s driver present different aspects, said IG Islamabad Police Wajid Durrani.

The Russian Orthodox Church has joined the chorus of condolences sent to Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani for Shahbaz Bhatti’s assassination.

“Many Christian Churches” were “encouraged by the appointment of Mr. Bhatti” to the “cabinet. As a politician, he managed to do a lot” to reduce “religious tension in Pakistani society and courageously spoke out against initiatives of religious extremists,” said Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations.

This crime “is not the only act of violence against Christians in Pakistan. Neither simple believers, nor high-ranking officials are protected today from aggression on the part of people who disguise their evil deeds under religious convictions.”

March 6, 2011 Posted by | Christianity, Christians, Churches, EXTREMISM, Extremists, Fundamentalism, islam, Islamists, Jihad, Militant Islam, Minority, Murder, Muslim, Muslims, Muslims Terrorists, Pakistan, Religion of Peace, Religiously intolerant, TAQIYYA | , | Leave a comment

Why the EDL are Going to Rochdale , Official EDL promo


Now then, I want that text application you have it’s affective. As for what is being said I agree, only the people of Rochdale think that what goes on there is normal. There is much worse to come out from Rochdale yet regarding the pakistani muslims and their exploitation of children. A lot of the crime in the town is being covered up from the media and the only way to get a story is to investigate it yourself. Rochdale is rotten and corrupt to the core and it all has to do with pakistanis.

MarX8PacE 7 minutes ago

March 4, 2011 Posted by | Abuse, Child Abuse, Demo, EDL, islam, Islamists, Koran, paedophile, Rape, Religion of Peace, SHARIA LAW, TAQIYYA, The English Defence League, uk | , , | 1 Comment

Religion of Peace – Christian Pakistani Minister Shot Dead

The Pakistani minister for minorities has been shot and killed in an attack in Islamabad.

Shahbaz Bhatti, who was the only Christian in the Pakistani cabinet, appears to have been the victim of a targeted attack.

The minister had been a leading campaigner for changes to Pakistan’s anti-blasphemy law.

Islamabad police inspector Wajid Durani said the minister was returning home when his car was stopped by up to four unidentified gunmen.

They opened fire on the government car killing the minister. The driver was also injured in the attack.

Police who are investigating the murder recovered 25 bullets from the scene of the attack.

Minister Bhatti was not travelling with any guards at the time even though he was entitled to a two car police escort.

Although no group has claimed responsibility for the killing pamphlets were found at the scene attributed to the Pakistani Taliban warning of the same fate for anyone opposing the blasphemy laws.

The Vatican condemned the killing calling it an “unspeakable act of violence”.

Earlier this year the governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, who was also calling for a change to the anti-blasphemy law was shot and killed by one of his own guards.

After Taseer’s murder, Bhatti said he had also received death threats but vowed to carry on.

In November last year a Pakistani court used the anti-blasphemy law to sentence a Christian mother of four to death by hanging.

Shahbaz Bhatti had met the family and passed on a plea for clemency.

Christians are the largest religious minority in Pakistan where 95% of the population is Muslim.

March 2, 2011 Posted by | Christianity, Christians, Democracy, EXTREMISM, Extremists, Fundamentalism, islam, Islamists, Militant Islam, Murder, Muslim, Muslims, Muslims Terrorists, Pakistan, Religion of Peace, Religiously intolerant, Terrorists | | Leave a comment

“Who cares about revolution, we just want to go to Europe for the freebies”

Chaos, militant Islam, and thousands of refugees fleeing Tunisia in the aftermath of the uprising. Thousands are flooding a tiny island off Italy. Can the Egyptian and Libyan masses be far behind ?

DAILY MAIL –Since Tunisians ousted dictator President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali on January 14 after 23 years in power, the once-omnipotent police force has lost its grip on the throat of the people. As uncertainty reigns, the coastline has become porous. In recent weeks, 6,000 Tunisians have paid human traffickers smuggle them into Italy.

Last month Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution ignited the tinderbox of Arab anger, leading to the toppling of brutal rulers. A new cry is being carried on the desert winds: it is freedom (and free food, housing, healthcare and welfare benefits courtesy of the socialist states of the EU)

Tunisia’s ten million people are proud that a revolution that began with the self-immolation of 26-year-old Mohamed Bouazizi, a poor vegetable-seller standing up for his rights in Sidi Bouzid, has grown into a regional revolt. But for some, their battle cry is different: they want jobs and a better way of life.

Illegal migration is a part of the complex picture that is unfolding here. The media caravan has moved on to new flashpoints in other parts of the region as the most momentous political change since the 1989 collapse of the European communist bloc unfolds. But what happens after the revolution is won ?

The answer lies in Tunisia, which was the first North African nation to overthrow its reviled leader. What has followed is uncertainty and a political vacuum as the country struggles to build a democratic framework. Protests grip the capital Tunis, strikes cripple the country, the old power is dead and new forces are rising – including the Islamists. But while many Tunisians celebrate the downfall of Ben Ali, others are seeking to escape to the prosperity of Europe, raising the spectre of a migratory flood.

Could democracy in Tunisia lead to an Islamist party taking power – and what would that mean? It feeds into the wider question worrying minds from Washington to London and from Jerusalem to Riyadh: what will follow the old Arab order that is being overturned? Will the revolutions translate into real democracy or just another form of autocracy?

Already there are troubling signs that more extremist Islamists are asserting their authority. A Polish priest had his throat slit in a suburb of Tunis. A Catholic bishop in Tunisia said he feared Islamic extremism was to blame. American news reports said the priest’s throat was cut, but the Vatican news agency said he was beheaded.

Political analysts warn that unleashing the genie of democracy in North Africa means there will be little control over the electoral outcome. The old order of dictatorship offered the West the comfort that Islamist extremism was kept in check. Now, as the West cheers on the Arab people’s quest for freedom, we are witnessing this generation’s version of the fall of the communist bloc.

As they say, be careful what you wish for. With the Islamist party no longer banned now, women can kiss their human rights goodbye. Get ready the UK, you will bear the brunt of these ‘uprisings.’

March 2, 2011 Posted by | Asylum Seekers, Immigration, Islamists, Multiculturalism, Muslims, Refugees, UK Border Agency | | Leave a comment

US : Muslim get five years for fraud, not charged for threats to blow up White House

Posted on March 1, 2011 by creeping sharia
via Maryland man gets five years for fraud, after making terrorist threats

A Silver Spring man convicted of falsifying immigration documents had threatened to blow up the White House, the U.S. Treasury building, a federal courthouse and a Metro stop, vowing to “slaughter the enemies of Islam,” federal prosecutors said Monday in court.

Brahim Lajqi, 51, was not charged with attempting to carry out any terrorist threats, but prosecutors outlined the allegations in an effort to persaude U. S. District Judge Roger W. Titus to impose a penalty harsher than the six months in prison recommended by sentencing guidelines.

Titus agreed, and handed down a five-year sentence, saying it was necessary for the protection of the public.

“This is a defendant who articulated repeatedly a desire to engage in the most serious form of terrorism aimed at symbols most important to our country, including the White House and the U.S. Capitol,” Titus said during a hearing in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt.

Lajqi, an ethnic Albanian who came to the United States through Mexico in the mid-1980s, is a self-described “extremist militant,” who said he was trained by Bosnian Muslim rebels, according to court papers. He was angry about American military involvement in Kosovo in the 1990s, and “blamed all Albanian deaths in Kosovo on the United States,” the court papers said. He also talked about targeting Jews, court papers say.

Lajqi had previously pleaded guilty to lying on immigration documents.

Lajqi’s attorney, Gary W. Christopher, a federal public defender, said Lajqi was a “talker” and a “blowhard” who never planned to carry out any attack. He said Lajqi has lived in the United States for 27 years and has had no trouble with the law.

“We’re here today to punish him for a crime, but not the crime he pled guilty to,” Christopher said. “The question is whether he had the actual intention and wherewithal to carry out acts of mass destruction.”

According to court papers, Lajqi and a confidential informant rode around the Washington area to scout out potential targets. Lajqi said the White House was his “number one spot” but also talked about targeting a Metro train at rush hour, the papers say.

During another trip, the documents state, he suggested blowing up the Treasury building to “make them bankrupt and broke,” and noted that a dump truck would be a good place to hold explosives.

Lajqi told the informant that he knew of weapons suppliers in Montana and Canada, and that one of his brothers had connections, authorities said.

The court papers say that Lajqi told the informant they “deserve a good bomb in Capitol Hill . . . and White House. Maybe Capitol Hill more because lots of Jews live there.” That conversation occurred during a trip the pair took to West Virginia, where Lajqi unsuccessfully tried to obtain a commercial driver’s license that he said could be used to move weapons.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Gregory Welsh said in court that authorities arrested Lajqi when they became concerned he might try to seek weapons.

“He’s not just a talker,” Welsh said, “he’s also an actor.”

If he was an actor, why wasn’t he charged?

March 2, 2011 Posted by | EXTREMISM, Extremists, islam, Islamists, Jihad, Militant Islam, Muslim, Muslims Terrorists, SHARIA LAW, USA, White House | , | Leave a comment

Muslim Domination of Public Space

Aggressive Assertion of Muslim Supremacy by Domination of Public Space

As soon as they move into Dar al-Harb (the lands of the infidel) in any numbers, Islamists think they have a God-given right to dominate public space and intimidate the infidels into submission.

Mosques are of course notorious examples of this (see Mosque blight) but their swaggering, aggressive arrogance and sense of preferential entitlement make them obnoxious to the indigenous inhabitants in many other ways.

The notorious Ground Zero Victory Mosque is just the latest example of a process that has been going on for years in the West, and centuries in lands conquered by Islam:

St George parade cancelled because it’s offensive to Muslims
“A MARCH to celebrate St George’s Day has been axed – because the authorities fear it could spark race riots. About 1,500 children were due to take part in a parade to commemorate the patron saint of England on Wednesday. But council bosses in Bradford, West Yorks, have ditched the event over concerns it could upset the Asian community, many of them Muslim.

Muslims threaten New York restaurant for serving alcohol
“Yet another stealth jihad attempt to compel non-Muslims to change their behavior to accommodate Muslim sensibilities. “Spotted Piglet Hiccups: Boozy Breslin Clashes With Mosque,” by Meredith Bryan for the New York Observer, October 27 (thanks to Ed): The much-hyped, soon-to-open Breslin restaurant, situated in the 12-story Ace Hotel on Broadway and 29th, is giving members of the Masjid Ar-Rahman mosque across the street some agita. “Five times a day, there’s a hundred cabs on the street–the good news is you can always get a cab,” co-owner Ken Friedman told the Transom the other evening. He said some mosque visitors “object to seeing people drink alcohol.”

No go areas in London
When Abu Izzadeen, the firebrand Islamist militant, berated John Reid last week for “daring” to visit a Muslim area, the Home Secretary bridled, as did many others, at his suggestion that part of London was off limits for a British minister of the Crown. There was nowhere in this country from which anyone should be excluded, Mr Reid said; nowhere that could be called exclusively Muslim. He was speaking just a couple of Tube stops from West Ham, close to the site for the 2012 Olympic stadium, where a huge row is about to erupt over plans to construct a mosque. However, this is not any old mosque built to serve the local community. It will be the largest place of worship in Europe, a gigantic three-storey Islamic centre, with schools and other facilities, able to hold at least 40,000 worshippers and up to 70,000 if necessary.

Labour council enforces Ramadan on non Muslims
Despite recent temperatures pushing 30 C Labour controlled Tower Hamlets Council has ordered all councillors not to drink in meetings during Ramadan (starts in about 2 DAYS), so as not to offend Muslim councillors. It has even gone so far as to order non Muslim councillors not to eat the finger food prepared for council meetings until Muslims break their fast at sunset – despite the food being served in a separate room.

Moslem monstrosity ruins English skyline
So the new dome has been erected on top of the local headquarters of Islam in Cheltenham and to make sure the former owners of Cheltenham know who their new masters are to be, it is painted bright turquoise and lit up with flood lights at night. In your face 24/7. Suck it up Cheltenham. The fact that there was no planning permission for this colour or lights means nothing to the enrichers of Cheltenham. The sudden appearance of the dome alarmed some passers-by. Tony Davis, from Charlton Kings, said he did not think it fitted in with the surrounding buildings. The 52-year-old said: “I was driving back from Tewkesbury and I saw this thing that resembled a Belisha beacon. “It stands out a mile and I really don’t feel it should be there. I felt my blood pressure going up just looking at it. “It’s all very well having it, but I don’t think it should be allowed to ruin Cheltenham’s skyline like that.”

Porcelain pigs offend Muslims
LEICESTER — Police here in central England seized a collection of porcelain pigs from a house’s window sill after Muslims complained that they were offensive.
“I just couldn’t believe it, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry,” Mrs Nancy Bennett, the owner of the 17 miniature pigs, told the Sun tabloid newspaper.
The porcelain figures were held at the local police station, while Mrs Bennett was threatened with prosecution if she replaces the collection. Her house is located in the same street as the city’s main mosque, meaning that Muslim worshippers often passed by her front window where the pig figurines were on display. “Muslims find pigs highly offensive,” explained police officer David Griffiths. “That is why the complaints were made”.

Nativity plays banned
The increasing Islamification of Britain has seen nativity plays banned or pushed aside for Eid festivals – and now a south Yorkshire school with a large Muslim student population has banned its traditional Easter Bonnet parades outright.

The Meersbrook Bank Primary School in Sheffield, more famous for the forced resignation of a former headteacher after a backlash from Muslim parents objecting to her plans to scrap separate assemblies for Muslim pupils has axed its Easter bonnet parade.

Although claiming that the decision is not related to the large number of Muslim pupils, indigenous British parents have not been fooled, with one remarking to a local newspaper, “I believe it’s all connected with what’s been going on earlier in the year. Never in my life did I ever think I would be having this conversation.”

Netherlands: Mosque goers vs. Dog walkers
Visitors of the El Fath mosque in the Amersfoort neighborhood of Liendert (Netherlands) and dog walkers along the Valleikanaal, behind the prayer house, are not hitting it off. Some mosque goers are annoyed by the four-legged animals, who for many Muslims are impure, running freely The dog owners say that El Fath didn’t have permission for an entrance on the footpath. Most don’t plan to leash their dogs. Local party BPA brought the issue up to the city council. Pico, a Spanish dog, is one his mistress knows can run free. But visitors of the El Fath mosque prefer that Ineke Simonis leash her dog. They prefer that he doesn’t come close to them. Certainly not just after a prayer service, after they’ve just purified their souls. A dog is after all an impure animal for Muslims.

Ineke, just like other dog walkers along the Valleikanaal, had already exchanged words a few times with mosque goes who leave through the back of the prayer house. “And it’s not friendly then. They scream at me that my dog may not run freely here. Than I shout back that they’re wrong.”

UK: shopping center Santa banned — in case he offends non-Christians
The dhimmization of Britain is happening so fast I can barely keep up with it. A three million dollar mosque for Muslim prison inmates, controversy over the naming of a school after a saint, and now this, from The Sun, with thanks to the Dulwich Dynamo:

BOSSES have banned Santa from a shopping centre – in case he offends non-Christians.

The Scrooges struck at Birmingham’s famous Bullring.

A spokeswoman said: “We wish to be sensitive to people of other religions over the festive period. There are a lot of people in the region who are not Christians and do not celebrate Christmas.”

Alcohol sales to kuffars offensive to Muslims
More than 150 people have signed petitions imploring Luton Borough Council to deny the new Tesco Express in Bury Park an alcohol licence. The bid from the supermarket giant has upset Muslims living in the area, some of whom say they find the idea of alcohol being sold offensive.

Muslims threaten to vandalise pig statue
A historic statue of a wild boar is unlikely to return to Derby’s Arboretum, because it could offend Muslims living nearby. The Florentine Boar stood in the Derby park from 1840 to 1942, when it was beheaded by flying masonry during an air raid. Derby City Council had hoped to replace the statue with an identical replica when plans for a massive overhaul of the park were first considered a decade ago. But following reservations raised by some people in Normanton about a new boar statue, the authority decided to consult with local community leaders.

At a meeting of the council’s minority ethnic communities advisory committee it was recommended that the boar be replaced with something else because of the strength of feeling among nearby residents as pigs are perceived as offensive creatures by many Muslims. Derwent Ward councillor Suman Gupta said, “If the statue of the boar is put back at the Arboretum I have been told that it will not be there the next day, or at least it won’t be in the same condition the next day at least. We should not have the boar because it is offensive to some of the groups in the immediate area.”

“I want to feed the community. We are providing a service to the Fort Sanders community and we have a good blue plate, a good cheap lunch and dinner,” Infidel Trevor Hill

Islam imposes its law on Main street, USA. This is what I mean when I say “imposing their Islam” and “Islamic supremacism”. Their law does not supersede ours. They are not a special class. We Americans do not have to change our ways, our lives, our laws to bow and submit to Islamic law. What part of the Constitution do these Muslims not understand?

I strongly recommend that my readers in and around Knoxville, Tennessee, get involved in this issue and get involved now. Just say no to Islamic supremacism. And yes, there are jobs involved in this economic free fall ………but that is not the key issue here, as critical as that is.

Christians resist Moslem world domination
FOUR Christian churches have joined in an unprecedented attack on the Islamic faith in an attempt to stop a Muslim school being built. Calling the religion an ideology driven by world domination, a submission to the Land and Environment Court yesterday said a proposed school at Camden was a “beachhead” in Islamic takeover of southwestern Sydney, threatening the Australian way of life. The attack, co-signed by local heads of Baptist, Anglican, Presbyterian and the Evangelical Sisters of Mary churches, formed the spearhead of Camden City Council’s defence to a court challenge over its rejection of a development application for the Muslim school.

“Islam is not simply a private religion. It is driven by a powerful political agenda, it is an ideology with a plan for world domination,” the letter said. “The Quranic Society application to establish an Islamic school in Camden is typical of a regularly repeated pattern to form a beachhead in an area for the development of a sub-culture which, for the most part, regards its own legal system as superior to the current Australian law.”

An act of dominance and aggression
“LONDON (Reuters Life!) – A battle of faiths is being waged in the ancient English city of Oxford, where some people are bitterly opposed to Muslim plans to broadcast the call to prayer over the fabled dreaming spires.”

Screeching and wailing over Buddhist holy site
The mussein’s call to prayer for the faithful of Islam, here in this most sacred location to all of Buddhism, ripped me back to modern reality. I was stunned! How could this be? Here in one of the most significant spots of Buddhism, loud speakers come on at four in the morning every day, to shock and intrude upon meditators and Buddhist practitioners using this spot for that which it has to offer in its most special way? How could this be allowed? It is…

The Muslim call to prayer seemed to go on and on…..20 minutes to a half-hour later, the scratchy recording thankfully ended and quiet returned. My concentration was thoroughly blown. Instead of following my breath, I found myself looking at the great distraction and paradox I had just experienced. I thought about Mecca!

Could any other religion intrude itself there in the holiest of places to Islam, as the tenets of Islam had so intruded itself here in the holiest place of Buddhism?

Flight 93 memorial a heap of of shi’ite
Tom Burnett Sr. is publicly backing Alec Rawls’s claim that the planned Flight 93 Memorial is riddled with Islamic and terrorist memorializing elements. Mr. Burnett is refusing to allow Tom Jr.’s name to be used in the memorial, and is calling for a Congressional investigation.

Alec’s latest post shows how easy it is to verify the factual accuracy of his claims: the Mecca-orientation of the giant crescent, the 44 glass blocks on the flight path (matching the number of passengers, crew, and terrorists), the placement of the 9/11 date in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and Star flag, and more.

Swimmers are told to wear burkinis
British swimming pools are imposing Muslim dress codes in a move described as divisive by Labour MPs. Under the rules, swimmers – including non-Muslims – are barred from entering the pool in normal swimming attire. Instead they are told that they must comply with the “modest” code of dress required by Islamic custom, with women covered from the neck to the ankles and men, who swim separately, covered from the navel to the knees.

British libraries to put Koran on top shelf, at Muslims’ request
And I use the word “request” very loosely indeed. In case you were worried that that de facto fatwa they imposed by banishing Geert Wilders is part of a trend, the answer is yes.
Muslims have complained of finding the Koran on lower shelves, saying it should be put above commonplace things. So officials have responded with guidance, backed by ministers, that all holy books should be treated equally and go on the top shelf together…
The report said the city’s librarians consulted the Federation of Muslim Organisations and were advised that all religious texts should be kept on the top shelf. ‘This meant that no offence is caused, as the scriptures of all the major faiths are given respect in this way, but none is higher than any other,’ the guidance added…

Inayat Bunglawala, of the Engage think tank, which encourages Muslims to play a greater role in public life, said: ‘If Muslims wish to see the Koran placed on a higher shelf, and library rules say it should be there, then that is a welcome and considerate gesture. ‘But one size does not fit all. If Christians do not want to see the Bible treated in the same way, I do not see why it has to be dealt with the same.’

Sound familiar? Borders caved on exactly this point a few years ago, reserving pride of place for the Koran on the top shelf of their stores lest they get a taste of what Wilders has to live with every day from his Islamic “critics.” It’s a cowardly policy but somewhat understandable in the case of a private corporation; in the case of a state with armies at its disposal, not so much. Bizarrely, the main objection from Christians interviewed for the story isn’t that the Koran’s getting special treatment, it’s that sticking the Bible way up top will make it less accessible to library-goers looking for a copy.

Warning to Muslims who believe that the public space can be invaded without consequences.
Ligue de Défense Française (LDF) November 20, 2010

Posted on 21 November 2010 21:59:01 by La Lydia

“Warning to Muslims who believe that the public space can be invaded without consequences. For a number of years, certain of you muslim gentlemen dare to regularly occupy the public space for your prayers. This occupation, as you well know, is illegal, and is, as we well know, a provocation and a demonstration of force designed to show your domination in certain parts of France and your contempt for our laws and the secular nature of our country.

These politico-cultural demonstrations are in defiance of our institutions and our culture, they put our territorial integrity under pressure with the aim of forcing the construction of mosques, which are often financed by the money of non-muslims who then find themselves victims of gigantic rackets in which our elected officials are complicit.

Muslim militias and certain muslims totally illegally block the streets to non-muslims, preventing the citizens and residents from circulating, returning home or leaving their houses and the mayors say nothing, the police say nothing, the State says nothing.

Thus it remains for the French Nation, to the citizens themselves to take over because all their representatives have spinelessly bent over in the face of intimidation. The message sent out by the French nation to the “praying” is clear:

Stop praying immediately on the public highway, it is illegal. Pray elsewhere, or don’t pray, we couldn’t care less…Nothing gives you the right to occupy our streets, you must respect our laws.

You are extremely lucky that the French (of all confessions and origins) are so patient and indulgent with you but in the face of your arrogant provocations, one day the limit will be reached.

Then there will no longer be time to whine about discrimination. You will have been the sole cause of your inevitable future troubles if you continue to defy our laws. Who sows the wind reaps the storm. Stop sowing discord in France, stop occupying our streets and our towns with your inopportune prayers.”

Ground Zero Victory Mosque as Domination of Public Space
A Mosque at Ground Zero Equals Victory
by Wafa Sultan May 19, 2010 at 5:00 am

A new mosque is now being planned in New York near “Ground Zero,” two blocks from where the World Trade Center used to be. This mosque is headed by an Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of the Cordoba Initiative, who proposes to convert the now-shuttered Burlington Coat Factory on Park Place into an Islamic Cultural Center which would contain a mosque.

It is crucial to study the supremacist ideology of Islam and to recognize, for example, that the building of a mosque especially at Ground Zero is viewed by Muslims as a decisive victory over the infidels in Islam’s march to establish its ultimate goal: the submission of all others to Islam and to Sharia Law.

On a daily bases, in so many parts of the world, deadly attacks are perpetrated by Jihadists either against non Muslims or, frequently, against Muslims — especially Muslim women. The terror type of Jihad, however, is only one way for Islamists to accomplish their mission of making the “Kafir,” or infidels, submit to Sharia Law. Another method is, as the author Robert Spencer calls it, an insidious, creeping “Stealth Jihad.”

While Mr. Shahzad is the impatient Jihadist who attempts to destroy the West through terror, there is also the second type of Jihadist, who is much more patient, and who employs the “Stealth Jihad.” The Stealth Jihadis are subtle in their approach and take their time to accomplish the same objective of submitting us all under Islam and under Sharia Law.


Posted by trencherbone

March 1, 2011 Posted by | Christianity, Christians, Churches, Community, EDL, english defence legue, EXTREMISM, Extremists, Fundamentalism, HALAL, Immigration, islam, Islamists, Jihad, Lies, Militant Islam, Mosques, Multiculturalism, Muslim, Muslim Public Affairs Committee, Muslims, Muslims Terrorists, Quran, Religiously intolerant, SHARIA LAW, TAQIYYA, The English Defence League, uk, UK Border Agency, UK Government, USA | , , | Leave a comment

Anthony Small confronts EDL and British public on poppy burning

Comments posted on YouTube :

brierley2190 8 minutes ago The day is coming when your days are up you fucking piece of Muslim shit! your prophet was a paedophile and allah doesn’t exist you fucking dog shit breath.

@SITHsubz93 Then it’s a pity your fellow muslims are too thick to see this. Not only does this as you say motivate us and hate you more, it also opens the eyes of the people to true islam, which this is, and gives us more support. So even though it really boils my piss seeing these muppets disrespect the likes of my Great Grandfathers and Grandfathers, who are 100 times the men than these mongs will ever be, true hero’s, in a way it’s good to see twats like this hang themselves!

jss1886 1 hour ago These fucking muslims are as thick as pig shit. The whole point of Remembrance day, for all you fucking mongs is to pay our respects for those who fought and died for us in WW1 and WW2, for our freedom, the freedom that you would not be enjoying today if it wasn’t for them!! If you can’t do that, get the fuck out!

I don’t see why i, or any of us should show any respect for muslims or islam as they have none for us. So take you koran, your nonse prophet, & your sick cult & shove it up your arse!

jss1886 1 hour ago
e e edl

EdlDefence 2 hours ago
fuck you nigger

EdlDefence 2 hours ago
Fucking Scum!!

holdtightMOP 5 hours ago
mashallah very powering!!! may allah have mercy on all of you guys and the ummah inshallah!

stopreadingthisok 6 hours ago
i would of beat him to death with that megaphone, FUCK ISLAM!!! muslim fucking scum bags….EDL for life!!!!!!!!!!!!

donoghue1987 6 hours ago
LOL, they do make me lauf. 

EliteDL1 22 hours ago
what a dick

jjames11984 2 days ago
im against the war but i think there would be a better way to protest then this after all dont they know how meny muslims sikhs and hindus died fightin in world war one and two

jjames11984 2 days ago
Send them to guantanamo Bay

mrshower1 2 days ago
This is wrong muslims should not behave like this 

somaliblog 2 days ago This is just going to motivate EDL to protest more and hate muslims more…from a muslim.

SITHsubz93 2 days ago
Is this a peace full protest ?

The reply to the stupid thick left wing unwashed nutjobs who will say to you ‘But it is just a small minority of extremists’ should be as follows :

People often make a response that they think other people might make. This is true when you’re talking about Islam’s relentless encroachment.

If your listener accepts what you’re saying about Islam, and then they go share what they’ve learned with a friend of theirs, what objection might that friend come up with? Your listener will probably wonder about that, and might bring up that objection to see if you have a good answer for it — a persuasive answer, a satisfying answer, an answer that would even convince their skeptical friend.

If you have a good enough answer, you can go further into the conversation with a willing listener. If you don’t have a good enough answer, the conversation will stall and maybe stop, and your listener’s mind will close, maybe for now, and maybe forever.

Not many people really want to hear about Islamic supremacism, at least at first. It’s ugly and it’s scary. But if you do well enough in your conversation, you can get some good information into the other person’s brain, and we will all be better off. This is the most important thing that needs to be done right now: SUCCESSFUL one-on-one conversations between people who know about Islam and people who don’t.

But, as you have undoubtedly discovered, when you initiate these conversations, people will often respond negatively. The good news is that the number of possible negative responses you get is limited. There aren’t an unlimited number of things people will say to you. There are only six that are very common. My complete list is only 25 objections, and the list covers, by my estimate, 98 percent of all the responses you can possibly get.

People will present their responses as if that’s the end of the argument. Case closed. As far as they are concerned, they just gave the final word on the subject. But if you have a good answer, the conversation can go on, and can go deeper, and your listener will walk away more informed about the third jihad. That’s one less potential dhimmi in the world; one more recruit to our side.

So let’s begin. The first response on our list is: “You seem to be indicting the whole religion. It is really just a small minority of extremists who have hijacked the religion.” Have you ever heard this?

In other words, you’ll be talking about Islam and what it says in the Qur’an, and they’ll come back with, “You’re talking about a minority within Islam.”

This is the biggest misconception people have — that Islamic supremacists are terrorists and they’re small in number and a fringe group, and that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding, kind-hearted, religiously-tolerant believers in humans rights. How can you respond? Here are a five different ways to answer:

1. Even a small minority of 1.3 billion people is still a lot of people. And the minority is not nearly as small as people like to think. Yes, the number of Muslims following Mohammad’s command to “kill unbelievers wherever you find them” may be small, but a much much larger percentage believes in the political purpose of Islam and is working toward that goal in other ways besides terrorism. There are many ways to wage jihad. Violence is only one. Demographics is another (that is, immigrate to a new country, maybe even let them support you with welfare, but definitely out-breed the original inhabitants, build up a politically-active and powerful voting block of Muslims in that country, and then start pressing for concessions). Many forms of jihad are possible — litigation jihad, forest fire jihad, falsify textbooks jihad, and the list goes on and on. Violent Islamic supremacists may, in fact, be the least of our problems.

2. You mean the ones who are blowing themselves up in order to kill non-Muslims? Or flying planes into buildings? Or trying to get their hands on a nuclear bomb so they can set it off in downtown London or New York? Those are worthy of concern, but in the longer term, the Muslims waging jihad by other means may be more dangerous. (Of course, at this point, they’ll probably say, “What other means?” and you have opened up another opportunity to educate them further.)

3. Jihad is obligatory for all Muslims. Jihad doesn’t mean only violence. Jihad means to struggle, in whatever way you can, to achieve Islam’s single political goal: The subjugation of all non-Muslims to Islamic law. That political goal is a Muslim’s religious duty. Mohammad didn’t approve of meditation or navel-gazing. He said the way you can prove your devotion to Allah is by action. So even mainstream “moderate” Muslims are active, constantly working toward the end-goal of worldwide Islamic dominance. They do it by paying their zakat, which goes to the mosque, which goes to supporting Muslim causes (which are almost entirely political causes). And they do it by having lots of children, to give Muslims a demographic advantage in democratic countries. They do it by making every non-Muslim they meet think that Muslims are harmless and well-meaning. They do it by crying “racism” every time someone criticizes Islam, even though they know full well Islam is not a race (they say it because it gets the desired response: It shuts people up). They do it by writing to every television or radio program that portrays Islam in an unflattering light. It is all jihad. Bamboozling the non-Muslims is jihad. As Mohammad said, “War is deceit.” And as you can see, they have been winning the war. You, like most other non-Muslims, know almost nothing about Islam and yet have a feeling that it must be all right.

4. We get that impression (that it is a small number of extremists) because almost none of the constant attacks by Jihadis are covered in the media. Go to and you can see every verifiable attack in the world made in the name of Islam. There are about five attacks a day. Some big, some small. But it adds up to a constant war being waged against all non-Muslims everywhere in the world simultaneously. More people are being killed in the name of Islam per year than were killed in the entire 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition. And each one of the Jihadis doing the killing is supported by a network of Muslims that, while they are not killers themselves, help to make it happen, help to finance it, help to hide them, feed them, encourage them, and protect them. And the ones committing violent jihad are only the tip of the iceberg. In many other ways, many more Muslims are following Mohammad’s example and waging jihad on many fronts and at many levels at once.

5. The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Islamic organization of any kind in the world. That makes it mainstream. Not fringe. The Brotherhood’s goal is to make the whole world submit to Islamic law. And they are actively (and in many ways successfully) accomplishing their goal. Most of them do not advocate random bombings, which are strategically ineffective in most places and counterproductive to the goal of world domination. They have a long-range plan and they’ve been putting it into effect for over twenty years. This is not guesswork. Their documents have been seized in raids. They raise money to promote jihad (while fooling people as to the real purpose of the money), they sue on behalf of Islam, they recruit on campuses and turn non-Muslim students against the UK and America, they influence how textbooks in UK and American schools portray Islam, they fund and control madrassas and mosques all over the UK and America and make sure they teach hatred, intolerance, and non-integration. And more. And they do it all under our noses because our attention is focused out on the hot-headed Jihadis who are blowing things up.

That is our list of good responses — responses that will satisfy most listeners, and allow your conversation to continue productively. Feel free to write in with other possible responses in “comments” below. Let us share our discoveries with each other. Let’s find the best ways to get through to people and prevent our conversations from being stopped by seemingly-sound arguments simply because we were not prepared.

Read over these responses again and pick the one you would most want to use, and remind yourself of it every day until it comes to mind naturally. Or read it onto an audio file and listen to it in your car while you drive. Let’s prepare ourselves for these conversations so they can go well. People who don’t know MUST BE REACHED! It is up to us. Let’s get it done.

February 27, 2011 Posted by | english defence legue, Extremists, FREE SPEECH, islam, Islamists, london, Militant Islam, Muslim, Poppy Burnings, SPEAKING, The English Defence League, UAF, uk | | Leave a comment

Hear Mehdi Hasan

The voice of “intelligent moderate” Islam. Hear Mehdi Hasan Ranting Like A Mullah About Non- Muslims.

February 25, 2011 Posted by | BBC, Bigot, Bigotry, Extremists, Fundamentalism, islam, Islamists, london, Militant Islam, Muslim, Muslims, Question Time, SPEAKING, UK Government | | Leave a comment

Rampant Muslim inbreeding may explain the bizarre behavior of many Muslims

Estimates are that close to half of all Muslims are inbred. Massive first cousin inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1,400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool.

The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the intelligence, sanity, and health of their offspring, and on their surroundings. Several studies show that children of consanguineous marriages have lower intelligence than children of non-related parents.

Muslim children in certain areas are 13 times more likely to be born with birth defects than non-Muslims due to a tradition of arranged marriages with cousins.

A BBC investigation in Britain several years ago revealed that at least 55% of the Pakistani community in Britain was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research also discovered that while British Pakistanis accounted for just 3.4% of all births in Britain, they accounted for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality. It is not a surprise, therefore, that, in response to this evidence, a Labour Party MP has called for a ban on first-cousin marriage.

There is no doubt that the widespread Muslim tradition of first-cousin marriages has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevent them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive

In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called “consanguinity”) and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2/2009 “More stillbirths among immigrants”). Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood-related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen.

February 24, 2011 Posted by | BBC, birmingham, Immigration, Inbreeding, Incest, islam, Islamists, london, Muslim, SHARIA LAW, uk | , | Leave a comment